US vs. THEM' is an American political drama series created and written by author Derek Vitatoe. The series is set and produced in and around Detroit, Michigan.
The show focuses on the fictional union, The United Brotherhood Coalition (UBC), and follows head union officials Catherine McAfee and Kenny Washington, and their staff, as they battle to improve working conditions of hard-working citizens in and around the city of Detroit.
In addition to the main storylines in each episode, subplots explore the private lives of its characters. For example, in season one Catherine McAfee struggles to find the internal balance of being strong and confident in her professional life with being a submissive partner in her personal life.
Each episode of 'US vs. THEM' will introduce a different conflict between UBC, an employer and its employees. The show is "really about organized labor in America and about how the relationship with a company affects the many lives of those who live in the major urban city
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