Wednesday, March 4, 2020

reaching out from the Write On! Ann Arbor group | Sign up for the newsletter #michlit #michiganwriters #motownwriters


I'm reaching out from the Write On! Ann Arbor group to hopefully better connect with your group and see if we can't build a bit more of the local writing community.

We recently had a change of leadership and are now revamping our group. We're having more diverse guests and conversation topics, and we've even partnered with a local publishing company who's been helping us move forward and locate new speakers and arrange activities for our meetings.

My hopes in connecting with you is that you and your group members might consider joining the newsletter we're setting up to help keep the writing community informed about all of the cool events and resources happening around the area that might benefit all of us.

Some of the things we know are coming up are a marketing event for authors, a writing contest, the MI Writing Workshop, and a couple writers retreats being hosted by some of the local groups. We would love to hear of any events happening for you and your group members, too!

If this seems interesting to you, we'd appreciate you sharing this information with your group, and if they want, here's a link to sign up to receive the newsletter:­


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