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Monday, July 30, 2012
#michlit @WestlandLibrary August 2012 Newsletter #library #michigan
August Scribal News Calendar via @scribalpress
Scribal News Calendar Monthly Update for Writers __________________________________________________________________________ E-NEWS TODAYE-NEWS TODAY Letter from the Editor Detroit Metro Area Book Signings Regional Area Book Signings Out of Country Book Signings Detroit Metro Area Conferences / Seminars / Workshops Regional Area Conferences / Seminars / Workshops Out of Country Conferences / Seminars / Workshops Telecasts Pod and Web Cast Broadcasting Writing Opportunities / Contests / Awards Worthy Newsletters Instructional Reads Recommended Web Sites Business Section Blogs Guidelines to the Scribal News Calendar (Please read before you send any info to be added) ______________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE EDITOR: Writing Partners, I have finally published the 100th issue of the Scribal News Calendar. As I look back I hope that I was able to provide as much helpful information as possible to assist you in your endeavors. No this is not the end of the publication, it is just the beginning. I look forward to doing another 100 issues.
Sylvia McClain Scribal News Calendar Editor August 1, 2012 Please visit my web site, sign the guest book and get to know me. The newsletter is also available on my web site. Check it out at www.scribalpress.com/thisnthat.html also; visit my blog at http://sylviaspeaks.blogspot.com to read an opinionated column called "View Points." ______________________________________________________________________________ EDITORS CALENDAR
None to report ___________________________________________________________________
On August 18th and 19th Geneva Phillips is having her Annual Heritage Festival. Aquarius Press has a free table, as usual and we can invite whoever we want to sell books. It will be from noon- 5 P.M. both days. The Location is 742 Lothrop, corner of Third Street, in the New Center Area. Come meet Sylvia Hubbard, Motown Writers Network Founder, Sylvia McClain, author of The Write Life, Karen White-Owens, Award Winning Romance Novels, and Sharon Stanford, Fiction Editor for Aquarius Press. For more information call 248-569-3023 during normal business hours. Writing Workshop with Aquarius Press on October 13, 2012 at the headquarters of the Metro Detroit Performing Arts Center in Southfield, MI. The MDPAC a new venture founded by Heather Buchanan of Aquarius/Willow Books and Arthur Ray, offer classes in music, theatre, and the literary arts. Location: Metro Detroit Performing Arts Center Detroit Federation Musicians Building 20833 Southfield Road, Ste202 Southfield, MI 48075 877-979-3639 ____________________________________________________________
The Freelance Marketplace Writers' Group Lenox Township Library Summer Reading Events
August 8/2 Making Dream Catchers. All ages. Registration required. From 2:00 – 3:30. 8/8 "What are your dreams?" Craft and story. Ages 5-10. Registration required. 8/9 Adult "Between the Covers" giveaway and craft. 6:30 – 7:00 8/10 Summer Reading Finale (more details to come). 8/22 Dreams Storytime 6:30 -7:00. For more information you can go to http://lenoxlibrary.org or call 586-749-3430 __________________________________________________________________________
None to report
Dayton Book Expo at Dayton Women's Fair Saturday; September 15, 2012 at Dayton Airport Expo Center. For more information visit http://www.daytonbookexpo.com/special-events NORTHEAST USA: None to report SOUTH USA:
None to report
SOUTHEAST USA: None to report SOUTHWEST USA: None to report
WEST COAST USA: &As a co-sponsor of the Muse Online Writers' Conference (and the first one at that!), I'd like you to put a tickler file on you calendar to register for the 2012 weeklong event in October. I can't tell you how many of my subscribers have been disappointed that they can't avail themselves of this free conference (every year!) because they miss the deadline. August would be a good time to let your digital calendar remind you to enroll at http://themuseonlinewritersconference.com/. _____________________________________________________________________________
OVERSEAS BOOKSIGNINGS, ETC None to reportOVERSEAS BOOKSIGNINGS ________________________________________________________________________________
None to report MIDWEST USA:
A Call for Book Clubs Dayton Book Expo is committed to connecting book lovers and we want to recognize the great book clubs that support authors. Attending the DBE puts you face-to-face with more than forty authors of various genres. Get a personalized autograph; take pictures with your favorite authors and more! At 2:30 PM, take part in the Book Clubs 101 panel discussion. Boast about your club's uniqueness and share ideas for selected readings. In addition, the book club with the most members in attendance will receive a plaque and be featured on our Book Club page and in a Dayton Book Expo eblast. If you want more authors to know about your book club, provide the following information to info@daytonbookexpo.com: · Name of book club · City and state · group photo or logo · web address or email contact · Only $25 NORTHEAST USA: None to report
Bringing a Friend to BWRC 2012? Save 35%! Pay for one full conference registration and get a second "Buddy" registration for 35% off current rates ($240) or get two registrations for $305. Reply to the first registration confirmation email with name of "Buddy" to receive discount code OR submit both registrations and include the name of your registration "Buddy" in comment area and receive a $64 rebate for each registration within 48 hours. Limited time offer. See Registration. Limited Room Availability at Westin As anticipated, the BWRC room block has sold out—TWICE—at the Westin; however, rooms at our $129 rate are still available to registrants by special arrangement through July 29 or until the hotel sells out. If you have registered for the conference or retreat and wish to make a hotel reservation, contact us at registration (at) blackwriters.org or 626.86WRITE with the name on your conference registration, dates you will be needing accommodations, and preferred room type, and we will assist you with securing a hotel reservation for all nights of your stay.
WEST COAST USA: & Calling all poets and, really anyone interested in awards and contests to promote a writing career! A free podcast of one of the Write On interviews with the publisher at LadybugBooks is now live. Please join us. A direct link to Write On page is: www.ladybuglive.com/writeon.htm Click on my name with the little sound insignia by it. & July 8th, 6PM Eastern, 3 pm Pacific with The Funky Writer, aka Rob Batista. He's been doing this for a while. This is my second appearance with him and it will be fun the second time around. If you're interested in querying him, find him at thefunkywriter@yahoo.com. More information to come. New! & July 20-22, The Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference will be at the Los Angeles Valley Campus. Carolyn Howard-Johnson will be speaking Saturday, the 21st at 12:30 pm. on Building a Platform and on Sunday the 22nd at 10 am on How to Develop a Relationship with a Bookseller. The same day at 3:15 we'll talk about how It's Never Too Early or Too Late to Promote Your Book. All Facebook Conference Marketing Conference July 28-29, 2012 | San Francisco http://www.mediabistro/allfacebookmarketingconference/?c=afmennf _____________________________________________________________________________
OUT OF COUNTRY CONFERENCES / SEMINARS / WORKSHOPSOUT OF COUNTRY CONFERENCES / SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS None to report _____________________________________________________________________________
RADIO BROADCASTS Detroit Metro Area None to report Across the Country Black Authors Network Radio Show with Kevin Wayne Johnson, a commissioned minister (National Association of the Church of God, Anderson, IN), author of the multiple award winning and national best-selling Give God the Glory! series of books with Host Ella Curry 8:00pm (EST) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Black-Author-Network
The Mother Daughter Club, a segment of by For and About Women Radio Network at www.themotherdaughterclub.com features host Kathe Gogolewski interviewing authors and guest experts about topics that matter to us all. Funny lady Joyce Faulkner closes each show with a reading from her book, For Shrieking Out Loud or her humor column at www.celebritycafe.com. Link to www.themotherdaughterclub.com for dates of upcoming shows. Interested authors can email Kathe at kgogolewski@sbcglobal.net to query. _____________________________________________________________________________
TELECASTS IN DATE ORDER None to report ____________________________________________________________________________
PODCAST BROADCASTING (by Internet) Detroit Metro Area Author and Host, Minister Celeste Kelley, is taking The "Sister Girl..." Series to the airwaves through the "Write the Vision" Radio Broadcast on 88.1 FM WHPR. Minister Celeste has interviewed authors, pastors, Stellar Award winners and others. AND...the excitement continues!! Don't You Miss It! Coming Up on Write the Vision with Author and Host Minister Celeste are: Write the Vision Radio is broadcasted live on Mondays at 5:30 PM on 88.1 FM WHPR (Highland Park, Detroit and Hamtramck, MI), with a live simulcast on www.tv33whpr.com The schedule does include more than authors, as the show is segmented. Specifically the author segments are the "Visions of the Scroll Spotlight". The shows are also podcasted at: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/Write-The-Vision Write The Vision is also syndicated on 1140 AM WBXR (Huntsville, AL / TN) on Thursdays at 1:30 PM and 940 AM WCPC (Tupelo, MS / GA) on Fridays at 5:30 PM. Host Lillian Cauldwell on Lillian's SpeakOut!, a twenty minute PodCast Broadcast with authors. Please visit http://lilliandme.libsyn.com and listen via Real Player, Media Player or Juke Box or by downloading the RSS XML stream to your MP3, iPod, or iTunes Players. Extraordinary interviews not to be missed! Interested in being on Lillian's SpeakOut! Contact Lillian at 734-332-5902 or email lillian@lilliancauldwell.com and Speak your mind!
The Chocolate Pages Show with Pam Perry http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ministrymarketingsolutions It's a PODCAST adding VOICE to the blog! ______________________________________________________________________________
Nationwide Host attorney Tonya Evans-Walls presents a free bimonthly podcast titled "Lit Law for Writers on the Go." If you are confused by copyright, troubled by trademark law or plain old confounded by contracts in the publishing industry, then tune in! Visit www.literarylawguide.com and listen via Audio Acrobat or by downloading the RSS XML stream to your MP3, iPod, or iTunes Players. Listen and learn anytime, anywhere! Carolyn Howard-Johnson http://carolynhowardjohnson.com , Kathe Gogolewski MaAnna Stephenson kicks off her BlogAid Podcast series with our interview! Yep! We talk Tweeting to celebrate the launch of Frugal and Focused Tweeting for Retailers: http://www.blogaid.net/podcasts The specific link to the conversation on Tweeting MaAnna and I had is http://www.blogaid.net/podcast-with-carolynhoward-johnson She also reviewed Tweeting and posted it at: http://www.blogaid.net/book-review-of-frugaland- focused-tweeting-for-retailers. Find the complete launch schedule at http://www.visualartsjunction.com/?page_id=9204 Come listen to Ivy Reisner and Carolyn Howard-Johnson dish on social media--socially. (-: Go to her Web site www.thewritingcast.com/blog and either listen online, download the mp3 file, or subscribe to the podcast feed (current subscription is just over 3,000 with some files getting 8,000 downloads so I know you'll love what she does!). Writing Cast covers topics of various techniques of writing, from how to create characters and control narrative voice, to how to promote your work. Most of the episodes are kept short, to fit into a writer's busy schedule. So, what is the best way for you to publish? Georgia Jones and Carolyn Howard-Johnson talk about that and other writing-and-promoting-related subjects on her audio station associated with Write On, part of her LadybugLive. It features all kinds of goodies for writers, including poetry. Go to http://ladybuglive.com/writeon.htm. Find the little icon of a radio speaker/megaphone on the right of the page for the link. Or download to your computer with a wait at: http://www.ladybuglive.com/audio/write19.wma ______________________________________________________________________________
ONLINE CONFERENCES None to report _______________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL WRITING OPPORTUNITIES AND AWARDS
BACKLIST IS LOOKING FOR ESSAYS · Submissions: Published Guest Columnists receive $25 for their 500-600 word articles. Visit The Fabulist Flash Writer Guidelines for more information.
YOU CAN NOW POST DIRECTLY TO OUR WHISPERS AND WARNINGS FORUM! See: http://forums.writersweekly.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4626 ______________________________________________________________________________ Story Call Outs / Contests WINTER 24-HOUR SHORT STORY CONTEST We are now accepting entrants for the Writers Weekly Winter 2012 24-Hour Short Story Contest. Contests usually fill up before start-time. Each contest is limited to 500 entrants so don't delay if you want to participate. 1st Place: $300 2nd Place: $250 3rd Place: $200 Entry fee is $5. You can see the complete list of 85 prizes and sign up here: http://www.writersweekly.com/misc/contest.html MyShelf.com Book Contests http://www.myshelf.com/contest/index.htm
Join George C. Fraser, Marvin Winans, Jr., Pam Perry and others in a sure-to-be bestseller anthology honoring men. Gumbo for the Soul: Men of Honor THE WRITER'S SHORT STORY CONTEST We're partnering with Gotham Writers' Workshop to bring you this contest, which offers cash prizes of $1,000, $300 and $200 for the top three finishers. In addition, the winner's short story will be published in The Writer, and the top three finishers will receive a year's subscription to The Writer and publication at www.WriterMag.com. Gotham Writers' Workshop will also provide prizes. Limit 2,000 words, English only and must be 18 years old and up. We know it takes time to get your book back from a publisher. We have had many writers tell us so. So, now you have time. Get on the phone now and tell your self-publisher that the Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards has been extended. We will be accepting entries through June 15, 2012. If you want recognition, validation of your work, and possible work as a full-time author, take the third step and enter the Self-Published Book Awards. The hardest steps, writing and publishing, are behind you. Seize this moment. We are looking forward to reading the world you have created. Let us enjoy it. Deadline: June 15, 2012
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers 101 Motivational Stories for Writers, Budding or Bestselling, from Books to Blogs William Wordsworth once instructed writers to "fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." Sounds simple, doesn't it? But putting the feelings in our hearts onto paper in a way that will truly inspire others is not as easy as it sounds. So, how do you persevere when the words won't come, the story fails to unfold, or the rejection letters pour in? As Nathaniel Hawthorne reminds us: "Easy reading is damn hard writing." Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, books or magazine articles, paranormal or romance, the process is equally challenging. For this reason, it's important to learn from others who have hung in there and successfully made the transition from dreaming about writing to being a writer. For Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers, we want to hear about your setbacks, mentors, breakthroughs, and successes. How did you overcome writer's block? Who kept you on the right path when you were ready to give up? When did you realize that the story in your heart was ready to be shared with the world? We are NOT looking for promotional pieces. We want to know about your journey to publication, including self-publishing and blogging. This is your opportunity to help other writers -- published and unpublished -- draw inspiration and learn from your experiences. If your story is chosen, you will be a published author (if you're not already!) and your bio will be printed in the book if you so choose. You will also receive a check for $200 and 10 free copies of your book, worth more than $100. You will retain the copyright for your story and you will retain the right to resell it. Please remember, we no longer accept "as told to" stories. Please write in the first person about yourself or someone close to you. If you ghost write a story for someone else, that person will be credited as the author. If a story was previously published, we will probably not use it unless it ran in a small circulation venue. Let us know where the story was previously published in the "Comments" section of the submission form. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angel Encounters or Angels Among Us
New Chicken Soup for the Soul Book:
Writer's Digest Competitions SUBMISSIONS GO TO http://chickensoup.com Select the Submit Your Story link on the left tool bar and follow the directions. Put your short stories to work for you. With a little extra promotion, your work could get the attention you need to entice editors and get published. Entry Fee · Entries: $25 for the first manuscript; $15 for each additional entry submitted during the same transaction. · Poems: $15 for the first entry; $10 for each additional poem submitted submitted during the same transaction. Prizes GRAND PRIZE: · individual attention from 4 editors or agents · a trip to the Writer's Digest Conference in New York City · $3,000 cash First Place: $1,000 cash and $100 off WD Shop purchase Second Place: $500 cash and $100 off WD Shop purchase Third Place: $250 cash and $100 off WD Shop purchase Fourth Place: $100 cash and $50 off WD Shop purchase Fifth Place: $50 cash and $50 off WD Shop purchase Sixth through Tenth Place: $25 cash All Winners also receive a 1-year Writer's Digest VIP membership, which includes a one-year subscription (new or renewal) to Writer's Digest Magazine, 1 year access to WritersMarket.com, discounts on Writer's Digest University workshops and purchases at WritersDigestShop.com and more. Early Bird Deadline: May 1, 2012
Here is a resource from one of the accessible book contests I recommend: There is a trend among many book contests to provide value – added learning and networking opportunities for their honorees like this one from Next Generation Indie Book Awards. They say, "We wanted to let you know that we have created a Facebook page to give everyone an opportunity to connect with the other award winning authors, publishers, and some of the judges involved with the awards program. We will be posting some photos and comments from time to time on our Facebook page and encourage you to visit the Next Generation Indie Book Awards Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/NextGenerationIndieBookAwards and click that you 'like' our new Web page so that you can become part of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards community. Also, if you have any comments you'd like to share about your experience with the awards program, we'd greatly appreciate you posting your comments at this Facebook page and we thank you in advance!" If you need more information contact Caroline Howard-Johnson at the above facebook address. LITERATURE AWARDS COMPETITION OPEN THRU OCTOBER 1
WILLOW BOOKS LITERATURE AWARDS Prose Grand Prize: $2,000 and book contract Poetry Grand Prize: $1,000 and book contract The Willow Books Literature Awards recognize literary excellence in prose and poetry by writers from culturally diverse backgrounds. The postmark deadline for entry forms is Monday, October 1, 2012. Ten Finalists will be announced on January 21, 2013. A Finalists' Reading & Awards Ceremony will be held in the spring of 2013 in Chicago (location TBA). The Grand Prize winners' books will be published by Willow Books in Spring 2013, along with an ebook anthology of selections by Finalists. PRIZES A. Prose and Poetry categories will have panels of three judges each, chosen by the Aquarius Press/Willow Books editorial staff, for a total of six judges. B. Aquarius Press/Willow Books will announce a Finalist short-list of 10 writers on January 21, 2013. C. One Grand Prize Winner in Prose will receive $2,000 and a standard book publishing contract. One Grand Prize Winner in Poetry will receive $1,000 and a standard book publishing contract. D. The remaining eight short-listed Finalists will have selections from their entries published in an ebook anthology. To enter, visit www.WillowLit.com/WillowBooksLiteratureAwards.html ________________________________________________________________
WORTHY NEWSLETTERS Writer's Digest Newsletter Tips and Updates http://www.writersdigest.com/specialoffers.asp?WDtellfriend Self Publishing News with Dan Poynter FREELANCING FOR MONEY – FREE EDITION At any time, go to the web site that carries our newsletter Freelancing4Money.com http://www.freelancing$money.com/fmoneyfree.html What Freelance Writers need to know. Brought to you by caeerbuilder.com http://freelancewrite.about.com Free information on doing press releases and other publicity secrets http://www.publicityinsider.com/release.asp
"Sharing with Writers," a newsletter for help publishing and promoting from the Frugal Book Promoter:
Give God the Glory! e-newsletter. Distributed bi-weekly regarding the topics of putting God first, general publishing news kevin@writingforthelord.com to subscribe. Marketing Newsletter for Authors and Publishers: Star Tracks is a resource newsletter for those interested in publishing. Request a free subscription by sending an email to info@authorsandexpersts.com and place "Free Subscription to Star Tracks Newsletter" in the subject line.
INSTRUCTIONAL READS The Write Life: A Beginning Writers Writing Guide, 2nd Edition By Sylvia McClain e-book only $6.00 www.scribalpress.com/Books.html
Career Opportunities for Writers, 4th Ed. By Rosemary Ellen Guiley $45.00
Grants for Serious Writer's 2nd Edition By Hope Clark e-book price $8.95
The Self-Publishing Manual: How to Write, Print, and Sell Your Own Book 16th ED. Completely Revised 2007 By Dan Poynter $19.95 The Writer's Little Instruction Book: 385 Secrets for Writing Well and Getting Published By Paul Raymond Mitchell $8.95 Knock Their Sock Off! A Freelance Writer's Guide to Query Letters that Sell (e-Book only) By Mridu Khullar $12.95 The Frugal Book Promoter: How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with your publisher (Second Edition) By Carolyn Howard-Johnson $17.95 (Discounted at Amazon) Also available for Kindle www.budurl.com/FrugalBkProKindle
The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success By Carolyn Howard-Johnson, $18.95 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0978515870/
The Great First Impression Book Proposal: Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Book in 20 Minutes or Less By Carolyn Howard-Johnson, An Amazon Short at only 49 cents. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YG6O5U/
Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers: The Ultimate Frugal Booklet for Avoiding Word Trippers and Crafting Gatekeeper-Perfect Copy By Carolyn Howard-Johnson Purchase at www.budurl.com/WordTrippersPB
PR Boot Camp Handbook! By Pam Perry $24.99 Email pamperry@ministrymarketingsolutions.com and get PayPal link to purchase
It's Worth the Struggle: Inspiration for Contemporary Writers (2009) This anthology reveals the emotional ups and downs of writing, from fear of failure to haunting childhood traumas to the struggles of parenting as a working writer. Instructions included to help new writers. Written by 23 novice and professional writers. $14.00 Available on Amazon.com and www.aquariuspressbookseller.net A Writer's Guide to Publishing & Marketing By Barbara Joe Williams Softcover, $15.00 e-book, $5.00 _____________________________________________________________________________
RECOMMENDED WEB SITES Writer's Digest Free personal finance on the web Much needed legal advice Need information from an Almanac, Atlas, Dictionary and Encyclopedia Want more on self-publishing? Author profiles, local and national Guide to conferences, workshops, career development and more Jobs for freelance writers (newspapers/wires, TV/Radio, Magazines/Publishing, Online Media/Other) Connection to writing opportunities, exposure, and other writer sources Jobs for freelance writers, graphic artists, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________
Know that the listings I show here are for everyone across the country. I only list locations so that those who prefer to go local will know where the businesses are. DETROIT METRO AREA: Specialized Services
Ministry Marketing Solutions Specialist in the African American Christian market Contact Pamela Perry at (248) 426-2300 www.MinistryMarketingSolutions.com Need a crisp, clear memo to your boss, co-worker or employee? Need a writing that advocates for a position or action? Need a complaint letter that gets attention - and action? Put a professional writer to work for you. Get it said, or get 'em told - but get the result you desire. See your thoughts in the clear, concise, organized, persuasive language that secures results. Make an impression - make an impact - get your point on the record. Email Alicia Nails at SaidWrite@aol.com
Editing Service (Metro Detroit Area) Whether it's a term paper, a short story or a novel, Sharon Stanford can help you become a better writer. She is available to critique or edit your manuscript. Past winner of the 2000 Grand Prize of Ebony Magazine's short story contest and numerous articles published in Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books. She is available for individual or small group sessions. Fees are negotiable. Sharon M. Stanford, Chicken Soup for the Soul Writer and Editor (248) 569-3023 Mon - Fri. 9am - 5pm or email: sstanford87@yahoo.com Brenda J. Ball-Wood, Graphic Designer with over 30 years experience. Designs book covers, inside pages, promotional flyers and logos. Has worked closely with the printing industry so all art files are press-friendly. Also works as an illustrator so if custom art is needed it can be created. Contacted Brenda J. Ball-Wood at moon4u2sea@yahoo.com and Write on! Do you have an essay, novel, paper, or short story that needs editing? Claire L. Upchurch can provide editing services for your manuscript before you send it off to the publisher. Fees are negotiable. Claire L. Upchurch (586) 306- 3508 8am - 8pm Mon. - Fri or email: Claire.Upchurch@gmail.com. Editing, Publishing & Web 2.0 Services Award-winning editing, book design, publishing and Web 2.0 services including eBook creation, video book trailers and author webpage design. Affordable rates. Installment payment plans available. Contact aquariuspressedits@sbcglobal.net or call (313) 515-8122. Books Published Do You Want a Reliable Digital Print on Demand Printer? Fast and Friendly Service in the Metro Detroit Area. YOU KEEP THE COPYRIGHTS TO YOUR WORK! We just print it for you! For more information: call Sylvia Hubbard at 313-289-8614. Let us help you become a self-published author with worldwide distribution through Ingram, placement on Amazon.com, ISBN, and promotional items! $500 to start the process.
360 Digital Books is a Short Run Digital Printer/Book Manufacturer. We provide black and white and full color in multiple trim sizes and various types of bindings. We at 360 want to help bring your dreams to life. Our staff has over 30 years of combined experience in the book industry and we stand ready to help our clients in any way they may need us. Give us a call today for a quote. 360 Digital Books 8089 Stadium Drive, Suite C Kalamazoo, MI 49009 P) 866.379.8767, ext. 102 F) 734.591.7899
ARIZONA Five Star Publications offers the following services. Partnership Publishing – Producing and marketing award-winning books since 1985.
The Five Star Express Press Copper Programs are ideal for those who want to "publish for pennies," self-starters who have the ability to handle most or all aspects of the book design and/or speakers who want to increase profits by offering books that complement their presentations. Visit www.FiveStarExpressPress.com for more details. Travel the Path to Greater Visibility is the simplest way to promote yourself and your work. Media professionals are waiting to find authors, experts and speakers just like you! It's an economical solution for authors and speakers and free to members of the media. Visit www.AuthorsandExperts.com for more details. FLORIDA
Amani Publishing provides excellent service to authors wishing to have their books published and distributed via online and retail bookstores. For more information, please contact Barbara Joe-Williams, Amani Publishing, P. O. Box 12045 Tallahassee, FL 32317, 850-264-3341 Website: www.Amanipublishing.net Email: Amanipublishing@aol.com
TEXAS (CEDAR HILL) Pentouch Consulting Pentouch Consulting provides top-quality technical and nonfiction editorial and website optimization services to a global clientele of private and public entities. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Pentouch is a minority-owned, woman-owned entity (MWDBE). For more information, contact us at info@pentouch.com or visit the website at www.pentouch.com. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Weekly insights into her thoughts on the latest events of life. Do you like to read a little erotica? This is the blog http://sylviahubbard.blogspot.com Spreading the love of God through passionate, friendly, and Christ-centered encouragement http://GiveGodtheGlory.blogspot.com
Barbara Joe Williams, Amani Publishing The blog that helps authors turn humdrum book fairs into sizzling successes by using value-added promotions. www.authorscoalition.blogspot.com * Please Note* This blog is inactive but it does still have lots of information on it that will help authors have more successful book fair experiences because back posts are still valuable for that purpose.
Authors! Come read Carolyn's mini-rants on publishing at Sharing with Writers and Readers. www.sharingwithwriters.blogspot.com Readers! Come find books and ideas that aren't covered in your hometown paper! And writers! Find a place to recycle your favorite review! It's Carolyn Howard-Johnson's, The New Book Review. www.TheNewBookReview.blogspot.com.
Motown Writers Network Blog www.michiganliterarynetwork.com. Readers and Writers connections to the Michigan Literary Community
Ministry Marketing Solutions by Pam Perry, PR Coach visit her blog! http://www.ministrymarketingsolutions.blogspot.com _____________________________________________________________
GUIDELINES TO SCRIBAL NEWS CALENDAR E-news book signing submission: E-mail sylmcclain@juno.com with "Book Signing" in the subject line. In the body of the e-mail list author, book, date, time, location (city and state), contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses and web addresses welcomed). No more, no less, please. E-news conferences / seminars / group meetings submission: E-mail sylmcclain@juno.com with "Conference / Seminar / Group Meetings" in the subject line. In the body of the e-mail list conference/seminar/group name, date, time, location (city and state), registration deadline (when applicable), contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses and web addresses welcomed). No more, no less, please.
E-news newsletter services submission: A few sentences describing what you do. Contact information, web site if available, e-mail address, phone numbers to use. No more, no less, please.
E-news newsletter recommendations submission: E-mail sylmcclain@juno.com with "newsletter" in the subject line. In the body give name, type, host, web site (if one). E-news newsletter contest submission: E-mail sylmcclain@juno.com with "contest" in the subject line. In the body give sponsor name, type of contest and website (if there is one) and link to enter. No more, no less, please. Be a friend! Suggest a Scribal News Calendar subscription: Send a blank E-mail to sylmcclain@juno.com with New Subscription to Scribal News Calendar in the subject line. |