Friday, January 20, 2012

John Dwyer Books - Official Home of John Dwyer: Is Book Promotion a Waste of Time?

John Dwyer Books - Official Home of John Dwyer: Is Book Promotion a Waste of Time?:

Yesterday, I read J.A. Konrath's post about the value of publicity and spent the rest of the day thinking about it. The article posed a lot of questions about how the relationship between publicity and book sales. This led me to ask myself - is book promotion a waste of time?

New authors like myself tend to spend a lot of time promoting our work on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Kindleboards, etc. I probably spend between six to eight hours a week on those sites and I'll bet that's the low end for many authors. Has all that promoting and community participation sold me many books? It's hard to say but I don't think it has. I'm guessing that the number is in the low double figures and that's a poor return for a full year of promotion.

Based on that, you'd imagine that my kindle book High Road to Tibet - Travels in China, Tibet, Nepal and India is struggling badly in the vastness of the Amazon. Far from it in fact. "High Road to Tibet" has held a steady spot in the Top#5 best sellers list for Asia Travel on and Top#10 on for categories such as China and Tibet. So how are readers finding my book?


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