|  | The Spotlight Novel "Learn A Man, Earn A Man" | January 11, 2012 through January 17, 2012 - Vol 124 | |  | In This Issue |  | |  | Online Store |  | |  | |  | Greetings! |  | In this week's Spotlight we feature "Learn A Man, Earn A Man" by Barry Fletcher
Barry Fletcher has heard many stories from both men and women about relationships issues and picks up this emotional topic where Steve Harvey's popular book, "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man" leaves off. While inspired by Mr. Harvey "learn a Man, Earn a Man is a heart to heart talk about relationships based on the compilation of 30 years of listening to both men and women confide their innermost secret struggles, desires and questions about the opposite sex while sitting in his salon chair. |  | |  | If you ask the question "who is Barry Fletcher?" you're likely to get several responses.
One likely response is that he's a 30-year veteran of the hair industry who's won his fair share of hair competitions. You'll also get that he's a hugely successful hair care entrepreneur, with a celebrity clientele. And another response would be that he's a three-time author and one of the most sought after African-American cosmetology experts in the US.
It's all true.
These days, though, Barry Fletcher will tell you that while he relishes his legacy, his focus now is more on giving back to an industry and community which for many years has been good to him.
He does this by traveling the world sharing his extensive hair knowledge and by documenting his life experiences in a series of books- "Why Are Black Women Losing their Hair?" Hair is Sexual and latest, "Learn a Man, Earn a Man".
Late summer, Bermuda welcomed the famed hair impresario when visited for a beauty seminar. While her he chatted with Salon Magazine, and shared how he started in cosmetology, what his creative inspirations are the importance of supporting the black hair industry and, believe it or not, how the sport of boxing played a role in his life.
Written by Nea Talbot
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Coming in November, Online Book Clubs. Check back and join a book club of your choice. Read a novel on a monthly basis and share your thoughts and opinions with other members. It is certain to be fun and informative.
Poster Kraze, Inc. has created the "Author Collective" a consortium of self- published authors sharing ideas about the business of publishing. Our current roster of books include:
· 44th Barack H. Obama- Michael Williams
· Being Married and Loving It- Bennie Cross
· Pet Pals- Marcia LaFramboise
· Investing Tips For Smart People- Sarita Sowell
· Reality From The Heart- Richard T. James
· For Your Eyes Only- Richard T. James
· Crawlers- NeCee · Grooming Him for Her- NeCee · Words Cross & Across- Dr. Eugene Williams, Sr. . No Experience Necessary- LaNay Harris
· Heidi's Happy Clients- Tony Dorian · Wrench and The Super Saw- Tony Dorian
· Jose Makes a New Chip- Tony Dorian
. Hustle While You Work- Hotep
. Hustler's Gospel- Hotep
. Hustler's 10 Commandments-Hotep
. From a Thug 2 a Man- Clyde Tse
. I Count For Something- Phyllis Fecilia
. Midnight Blue-Tracy Moore
.Songs in the Night-Tracy Moore
.Twelve Universal Laws of Success- Herbert Harris
.America the Racists-Herbert Harris
.The Magic Pencil-Karen E. Dabney
.I Can Do Anything-Carolyn Mattocks
.Play Through The Foul-Vera-Jones
. The Bum Magnet-K. L. Brady
. What To Do When Life Hands You A Devastating Diagnosis-L. J. Holloway
. The Brothers Popovic-Steve Roberts
. Diary of A... - Sylvia Hubbard
. Keeper of Secrets-Anjuelle Floyd
. Broken Wings-William Dunn
. Is There a Balm in Black America? -Dr. Pam Payne Foster, MD
Journo's Diary-Chris Thomas
Dawn of Deliverance-Jim Peters
Shhhh! Don't Say A Word-Dr. Loren Due
A through Z Alphabet 26-Dr. Glenna Tyler
Silence is Power-Prince DeBayo Ogunmeno |  | |  | Check out our website www.AuthorCollective.com, new books are added to our roster monthly. All books listed above would be a great addition to any library, classroom, bookstore, or book club.
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Michael Williams Senior Account Executive P. O. Box 211097 Detroit, MI 48221
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