January 2012 ____________________ |
| ____________________ KDL Kaleidoscope Pick up a copy of KDL's seasonal event and news publication at your local KDL branch. |
____________________ Free Downloads @ KDL  eBooks, eAudiobooks and music -- download them today at KDL.org. |
____________________ Featured Online Resource  Mango is an online language learning system that teaches practical conversation skills for real communication. It's a fast, easy and effective way to learn to speak a foreign language. Basic courses are offered for 36 foreign and 15 ESL languages, with most including more in-depth complete courses as well. | ____________________ What's Happening @ KDL Check our online event calendar for a complete list of events and activities for all ages. Search by branch, age group, and more. |
____________________ Connect with KDL | | From the Director: Preserving Libraries
 Greetings! The new year is a great time to show your library some love. A recent national media article chronicled the potentially devastating effects of budget cuts to U.S. public libraries, noting that many are currently threatened with staff cuts, reduced hours and even branch closings. It seems incomprehensible, but libraries are not immune to the cutbacks facing so many other vital services and institutions in our communities. At KDL, most of our budget (87 percent) comes directly from taxpayers like you through your property taxes. When property values decline, so does our funding. Additional cuts anticipated at the state level next year could amount to an added loss of $1.1 million in revenue for KDL. These cuts come as patrons are using KDL's services even more due to the tough economy. If Governor Snyder's plan to eliminate personal property taxes for businesses is approved without some form of replacement funds for libraries, cutbacks that are happening at other public libraries will happen here too. We have worked hard to keep past cuts from impacting those services most valued by our patrons. Still, you have likely noticed fewer copies of books on the shelves, a decreased number of library employees at your local branch, or perhaps we are no longer offering a program you have come to enjoy. While we remain dedicated to providing you with the very best service possible no matter the financial circumstances, we could use your help to preserve the library services you love. I've listed below a few simple things you can do to support the library: - Donate to the KDL Fund. No gift is too small!
- Write your legislator. Your message can be as simple as: "I love my library. Replace, don't erase, the personal property tax."
- Be an advocate. Tell your friends and family about Kent District Library, the great services we provide, and what the library means to you.
- Continue to use the library. Whether you come through our doors or use services on our website, the more you use KDL, the more you prove that libraries remain an invaluable community resource.
As director of KDL, I plan to loudly voice my intention to preserve public libraries for our generation and for many more to come. Please join me this year in making this a priority. Lance Werner, Director Kent District Library
_____________________________________________________________ | New Policy: PIN at Self Checkout Beginning January 14, KDL will require patrons to enter their PIN (Personal Identification Number) when checking out materials at our self checkout stations in addition to using their library card. This policy will add privacy and protection if someone's library card is lost or stolen. Your PIN is a unique four-digit code needed to access a number of library services, including your online library account information. The PIN you are originally assigned is the last four digits of your telephone number; however, you can update your PIN at any time through your online account. If you cannot recall your PIN and you have signed up for email alerts, you can use the "Forget Your PIN?" feature to choose a new one. You can also contact your local branch or our Patron Services Department (616-784-2007 or contact@kdl.org) and a staff member can assist you. _____________________________________________________________ | Kindle Fire: They're Hot! Did you get an eBook reader for Christmas? We can help you put it to good use. KDL cardholders have access to more than 5,000 free eBooks! KDL's eBook collection is available 24/7, and since items are "returned" automatically, you'll never have to worry about late fines. _____________________________________________________________ |
Enhance Your Computer Sk ills Would you like to improve your computer proficiency? Take a Computer Confidence Class! Kent District Library offers a variety of free classes for adults, including Email Basics, Online Photo Editing, Microsoft Powerpoint and many more. Registration is required and participation is limited. Classes fill fast, so sign up today by calling 616-784-2007. For dates, times and locations, check out our Computer Classes & Hot Tech Topics brochure. _____________________________________________________________ |
Branches: Stories Rooted in the KDL Community When life threw Jim Dykstra and his family a frightening curveball last year, the Kentwood man turned to his library for relief -- and grew closer to his grandchildren in the process.
Read the full story here... _____________________________________________________________ |
Photo of the Month  . KDLville: Play, Grow, Read! |
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